Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Alice doesn't live here anymore...and sometimes, neither does Diane

Remember that movie?  I remember watching it as a kid and thinking Alice has lost it.  If you've tried to crew someone on and end-to-ender in Hamilton, you too must have felt like Alice and wanted to run away from it all!

Geez!  I sat in our crew vehicle frazzled today on some access mountain cut I'd never heard of despite being from Hamilton.  Cars whizzing by  - up, down, up, down - and yes, the Bruce Trail crosses through this road.  This was a common occurrence trying to crew in this city.

It was a fairly non-invasive start at the dead end road bit of Old Guelph Rd. at Hwy 6 at 8:15 a.m. this morning.  Henri had a decent pace going.  He met up with Spence & Cloey (Spence's dog) on the trails in Dundas.  Something was different today though - both Henri and I seemed a tad unenthusiastic.  Henri's pace varied between 7-9 minute kilometres all day.

Don from our running club joined Henri around Felker Falls on west Hamilton mountain early in the afternoon.  Don almost ran 50k himself today but I'll let him tell you that story at the Club one night.

A new pain - this one appearing to be the IT band on one of his legs started to give Henri problems in the last several hours of the run today.  Nonetheless, Don and I paced him through to the end and still a great 48+ k on day number 16 of his journey.  That's just about 800 k on his feet.

Some mapping of tomorrow's route to do, some massaging & in bed by nine.

Henri starting out Day 16.


  1. Got to go shopping for chocolate!!

  2. What a Fantastic Team you Guys are! Sorry I missed you but I did see Henri twice.There are some big climbs in that section, I can see why Henri`s average was down. spence

  3. How time flies! So glad we got out to see you both in the midst of Henri's epic adventure! I have been checking in every day and meaning to thank you for keeping us in the loop :) I am amazed to see how well Henri has progressed since day 10. Above all Henri - enjoy the journey while it lasts. And Diane - keep popping out of the grass to snap them candid pics LOL. Surely by now you have a great wealth of crew experience to draw from (for the fast approaching 'year of Diane' maybe??). Very happy for you both!
